I wanted to have an incentive system in my class that would encourage my students to be the best that they could. At the same time, I didn’t want to break the bank. So I decided to use a ticket system in my class.

First, the prize box built a sense of community. Throughout the school year, as the students earned tickets they could write their name on the back. Then they would place the ticket in the jar for a chance to win. As the year progressed the students started putting their friends names on the back. It was so nice to see them thinking of others who may not have won yet.
Next, the prize box helped to foster a positive, respectful environment. My students knew that they could not ask for tickets. Tickets were earned based upon the teacher’s discretion and for a variety of behaviors and actions. Students earned the tickets by participating in class, working well with their peers, and just generally doing great things.
In addition, this prize box system created a fun, celebration each week. On Friday’s at the very end of the day, I would play some up-beat music and select 3 names from each of two classes for a total of 6 winners per week. It was always a great way to end the week on a positive note!
My Supplies
1. I got some plastic (not glass because you know they will be dropped) apothecary jars. Using my Cricut, I added cute labels for them. These jars were for the collection of the tickets. Students would deposit their tickets into the jar for the weekly drawing.
2. Single tickets rolls were what I used to give out as I was walking around the room teaching the lesson or throughout the day. Students write their names on the back and deposit their ticket into the jar at the end of the period.
3. I found a prize box in Michaels which I also added a personalized touch by printing out a vinyl sticker using my Cricut. Any box will do to hold the prizes. I also placed the prize box up high and away from the students so that they could see it but not touch it.
4. Now for the actual prizes in the box. I found a lot of cute things at the dollar store such as pencils, pens, post-its and school supplies. I got lots of vinyl stickers on Amazon that came in large value packs. My students’ favorite prizes were these silly, stretchy strings.
If you are interested in any of the supplies I used, you can click on each of the pictures. They will take you to my Amazon associates store.