Middle school teachers know that the best math practices are engaging and fun for students. They are also rigorous and provide an opportunity for students to show their understanding. How do you get all of this in a quick review? Math games! My 6th-grade math students love our review days. Some of them enjoy the competition. While others like that…
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Introducing Integers
Honestly, math is one of the most complex subjects for students to understand. Due to math anxiety and confusing vocabulary terms, mastering skills is incredibly tough. However, math is everywhere in the world! Thus, students genuinely need to comprehend the material taught. Often, this means teaching concepts in various ways to reach all students. While this may take a lot…
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What is a Flipped Classroom?
Alright, how often do you get to the end of direct instruction unsure if 50% of the students understand? Then, you look at the clock to see that there is no time to practice. The next day is much of the same. So frustrating! In a flipped classroom approach, I didn’t fall into this cycle. Students can complete direct instruction…
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How to Teach Graphing Inequalities
Telling the students the rules and expecting them to memorize them is one way to teach math. I like to teach through discovery, investigations and discussions. So in my classroom, we explore graphing inequalities through an investigation. I give my students a dry erase number line and some dry erase markers. First I ask them what number should go in…
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20 Must-Have 6th-Grade Math Teacher Supplies
As I was packing up my classroom this year and reflecting on this crazy year, I took pictures of my favorite (and most useful) supplies to use in my sixth grade math classroom. I grouped them into three main categories: general supplies, classroom management and math tools/games. None of these items make or break my teaching but they do help to make everything run smoother! So here is a quick rundown of my 20 must-have supplies for my 6th grade math classroom.
How to Use Boom Cards in Sixth Grade Math
Boom Cards are digital, self-checking task cards that provide an interactive experience for students. They allow students to independently practice concepts and get immediate feedback on their performance. All of these things can be done with a free boom account. Here’s some ideas to get you started in your math classroom. Warm-Up or Do Now I don’t know about you…
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